====== Sample Ticket Printer Template ====== This is a screen shot of a ticket printed from SambaPOS and the required template for creating it. You need to have at least SambaPOS 2.73 for some formatting features. {{:en:tips:ticketsamples:tarama.jpg|}} ===== Template Values ===== **Header Template** ''c:\logo.bmp\\ \\ \\ Date: {TICKET DATE} | Table No: | {TABLE}\\ Time: {TIME} | Ticket No:| {TICKET NO}\\ \\ \\ -'' **Line Template** ''- {QUANTITY} {NAME}| {TOTAL}| {TOTAL AMOUNT}\\ * {PROPERTIES}'' **Gift Line Template** ''{QUANTITY} {NAME} |GIFT'' **Footer Template** ''-\\ Total ${TICKET TOTAL}\\ {TOTAL TEXT}\\ \\ \\ ============== Tax Details ===============\\ {TAX DETAILS}\\ Tax Total :| {TAX TOTAL}\\ \\ \\ *\\ * Thank you for dining with us! *\\ *\\ '' ===== Printer Template Editor Screen ===== {{:en:tips:ticketsamples:template2.jpg?600|}}