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ManagePOS—>Settings–>Departments allow the user to represent the typical sections of a restaurant within Sambapos. It also exposes the options that allow the installer to control how those sections operate.

Let's consider a fairly standard restaurant operation that has a dining room for customers to eat in, a take out (or take away) service, where customers can call in, order, and pickup their food, and a delivery service, where a customer calls, gives their address, orders and expects their food to be delivered to their home or business.

To model this scenario, you would need to create three departments, one for eat in (ala carte in Sambapos), one for Delivery, and one for Fast-Food, for the take out service. You can create as many deparments as necessary to model the operation of the restaurant.

Each department can have different menu views and each user role may have different default departments. For example you created a department for bar and another one for dining room. In this case when barmen logins he'll immediately see bar menu and when waiter logins he'll see dining menu. By using user role permissions you can disable switching departments too.

Creating new departments is fairly intuitave, but there are a couple of things to take notice of.

en/guide/departments.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/07 09:30 (external edit)