
Open Source Restaurant POS Software

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Quick Setup Guide

User guide for initial set up of SambaPOS v2.99

Enter dishes and its respective price

Manage > Products > Product List > Add Product > Add Batch Products

In new popped out window, create a line for each product with [Product Name] [Price] format. Start Category Names with # char. NOTE: Product categories make sales reports more meaningful.

For example:
#Arabic Food
Lamb Kebab with Rice 60
Beef Kebab with Rice 55
#Indo/Pak Food
Chicken Curry with Rice 50
Lamb Curry with Rice 60

Click ‘OK’ upon completion.

Should any dish have the option of different portions, highlight the dish in question and click ‘Edit Product’. In the ‘Portion Prices’, click ‘Add Portion’ and edit the name of the new entry, its multiplier of ingredients and its price. Click ‘Save’ upon completion.

Enter the menu and its categories

Menu List > Edit Menu > Add Category

Add and rename categories in accordance to the existing menu.

For example:
Arabic Food
Indo/Pak Food
Chinese Food

Click ‘OK’ upon completion then ‘No’ when asked whether you want the software to ‘auto select products for new categories’.

Highlight each individual category and click ‘Edit Category Products’. In the new window, hold ‘ctrl’ and click on dishes to add into the specified category. Click ‘OK’ upon completion and repeat this step until all products have been added into its respective category.

Enter inventory items and its measurements

Inventory Item List > Add Inventory Item

Fill in all the boxes within this window. The ‘Base Unit’ represents the measurement used when portioning for each dish which uses the respective inventory item. The ‘Transaction Unit’ represents the measurement used when purchasing the inventory item from suppliers. The ‘Transaction Unit Multiplier’ represents the multiplier value to get the ‘Transaction Unit’ figure from the ‘Base Unit’ figure.

For example:

Inventory Item Name:Lamb
Group Code:Meat
Base Unit:Grams
Transaction Unit:Kilograms
Transaction Unit Multiplier:1000 (as 1kg / 1g = 1000)
Inventory Item Name:Nan Bread
Group Code:Bread
Base Unit:Piece
Transaction Unit:Pack
Transaction Unit Multiplier:10 (as 1 pack / 1 piece = 10. i.e. there are ten pieces of bread in one pack)

Click ‘Save’ upon completion and repeat the steps until all important and material inventory items are saved into the system.

Enter recipes of each dish

Recipe List > Add Recipe

Fill in all boxes within the window. Should there be different portions available for a single dish, a separate recipe should be added for each portion to ensure accuracy of cost and inventory calculations. The ‘Fixed Cost’ represents the cost embedded in each dish, which is not covered by the ‘Inventory Items’ (e.g. minor inventory items like salt, black pepper and/or utility costs like water, electric etc.)

For example:
Recipe Name: Lamb Kebab with Rice
Product: Lamb Kebab with Rice (selected from drop down of previously entered product list)
Portion: Normal
Fixed Cost: 5.00 (includes salt, pepper, sauce, utilities etc.)
Inventory Items:

Inventory Item NameQuantityUnit
Lamb 200Grams
Salad 30Grams
Rice 100Grams

Recipe Name: Chips (Small)
Product: Chips
Portion: Small (selected from drop down of previously entered portions within the ‘Product List’)
Fixed Cost: 2.00
Inventory Items:

Inventory Item NameQuantityUnit

Click ‘Save’ upon completion.

Enter inventory items in stock

Transaction > Add Transaction Document

Enter a systemised value into the ‘Document No’. The value entered should be easy to follow as more purchases are made. (e.g. Date of purchase with invoice numbers/supplier names)

All inventory items entered previously in the ‘Inventory Items’ section should be recorded in this window. The current level of stock and purchase price should be entered for more accurate cost analysis and reporting.

For example:
Document No: 01/01/2014 Initial Stock Count
Inventory Items:

Inventory Item NameQuantityUnitUnit PriceTotal

Document No: 01/02/2014 <Name of Supplier> - Lamb
Inventory Items:

Inventory Item NameQuantityUnitUnit PriceTotal

The ‘Unit’ and ‘Total’ will be automatically calculated by the system. An ‘Inventory Item’ should be selected from the ‘Inventory Item Name’ drop downs. The current level of stock of the respective ‘Inventory Item’ should be weighed and inputted. The purchase price per unit should be entered under the ‘Unit Price’.

Enter the number of tables and adjust its view on the POS

Manage > Tables > Table List > Add Multiple Tables

Enter table numbers into the new popped out window, starting with the # character for different categories of tables.

For example:

Click ‘OK’ upon completion.

Table Views > Add Table View

Insert a name of the table view type and choose ‘Custom’ in the ‘View Mode’ drop down. Choose a preferred colour coordination of tables for empty, full and locked tables. Finally, click ‘Select Table’ then highlight all the tables you would like to be visible under this table view and click the right arrow button. Click ‘OK’ then ‘Save’ upon completion.

NOTE: It is possible to set up different table views for the terminal and handheld devices.


Right click anywhere on the digital restaurant floor and click ‘Design Mode’. Manually move the tables to fit your preference of view; an idea would be to replicate the restaurant layout. The user may also alter the size and shape of the tables.

Once completed, right click anywhere on the digital restaurant floor and uncheck ‘Design Mode’. Restart the system for the tables to work properly.

Set up the system

Manage > Settings > Departments > Edit Department

Edit the name of the restaurant and select appropriate drop downs for the ‘POS/Terminal Menu’ and ‘POS/Terminal Table View’. Should one have a different menu set up and table view for your terminal and hand held devices, one should change the drop downs accordingly. Select the appropriate type of department. A-la Carte is a standard sit-in restaurant.

Click ‘Save’ upon completion.

Local Settings > Local Settings

Select ‘Server’ in the ‘Terminal Name’ drop down.

Program Language

Edit the ‘Major/Minor Currency Name’ to your local currency.

Click ‘Save’ upon completion.

Printer List

Highlight a printer.

Edit Printer

Edit any necessary entry and choose a printer in the ‘Printer Share Name / Port Name’ drop down.

Click ‘Save’ upon completion and repeat the above until all printers have been reviewed and edited.

Terminals > Edit Terminal

Select the correct entry under the ‘Department’ drop down and make any other changes deemed necessary.

Click ‘Save’ upon completion.

Create different user accounts

Users > Role List > Add User Role

For users other than the administrator, create a separate account for each user (if necessary) and limit the users’ access and permission by un-checking desired boxes. Click ‘Save’ upon completion.

User List > Add User

Create the users’ account by entering their name, PIN and role access.

Click ‘Save’ upon completion and repeat the above until all users have been entered into the system.

Create a customer information database

Customers > Customer List > Add Customer

Enter customer information into all fields. Should there be different types of customers, rename the ‘Group Code’ to reflect the customer’s group.

Click ‘Save’ upon completion and repeat the above until all customers have been entered into the system.

Set up different useful initial commands

Settings > Actions > Add Action
Action Name:Void Order
Action Type:Void Ticket Items
Parameters: Menu Item Name – <Blank>
Tag – <Blank>
Rules > Add Rule
Rule Name:Void Item
Event Name:Ticket Tag Selected
Actions:Void Order (select from drop down)
Products > Void Reasons > Add Void Reason
Void Reason Name:Returned Dish
Void Reason Name:System Error

The above instructs would allow the user to void any items on an order if it was returned by a customer for whatever reason or if there was a system error.

Products > Gift Reasons > Add Gift Reason
Gift Reason Name:Loyalty Card
Settings > Actions > Add Action
Action Name: Gift
Action Type: Gift Last Ticket Item
Parameters: Gift Reason – Loyalty Card
Quantity – 1
Rules > Add Rule
Rule Name: Loyalty Card Gift
Event Name: Line Added to Ticket
Conditions: <Blank>
Actions: Gift

The above instructions would allow the user to gift an item on an order from using loyalty cards.

Correct initial cash position of restaurant

Work Periods > Start Work Period

Leave all fields blank.

Cash Drawer > Income Transaction

Enter a description (e.g. accumulated cash from previous periods) and enter the amount of cash available in the restaurant. Click ‘Cash’ to log the amount.

Work Periods > End Work Period

Should you not prefer to proceed with the above to correct the system’s revenue position, it may be advisable to start a spreadsheet instead to track profitability.

User guide for post initial set up of POS

Start work period

At the start of every business day, the user must initiate the start of the working period for orders and purchases to be logged.

Work Periods > Start Work Period

For the system to track the current cash position of the cashier throughout the day, the user should accurately count and enter the fields available when starting a work period.

Taking orders from customers


Click on the table the customer making an order is sitting and click on the dishes ordered. Alternatively, for a take-away order or delivery, close the table view and start entering the order. Once completed, click ‘Select Customer’ on the left and choose the customer within the existing database or create a new customer entry by clicking ‘New Customer’.

Editing order entries:

Clicked a dish by accidentHighlight the entry and click cancel on the left.
Void an entryHighlight the entry and click ‘Void’ then the relevant reason.
Gift an entryHighlight the entry and click ‘Gift’ then the relevant reason.
Change price of entryHighlight the entry, type in the new desired price and click ‘Change Price’.
In/decrease number of entriesHighlight the entry and click ‘+’ to increase or ‘-‘ to decrease the order.
Modify entryHighlight the entry and click extra modifier. Enter a brief description and update the price (using a negative symbol in front of the numerical value when decreasing the price).
Changing tables for order(s)Highlight entries to be moved to another table and click ‘Move’, ‘Select Table’ then the table which the customer moved to.
From sit-in to take-awayHighlight entries to be taken away and click ‘Select Customer’. Choose the customer within the existing database or create a new customer entry by clicking ‘New Customer’.

Once the customer is ready to pay the bill, click ‘Settle’. Enter the amount the customer has paid and click either ‘Cash’, ‘Credit Card’ or ‘Voucher’ as the method of payment. The system would then present the change due to the customer.

Purchasing inventory stock

Manage > Products > Transaction > Add Transaction Document

Fill in the ‘Document No’ field by using a consistent documentation numbering system (e.g. Date and supplier information). Once filled, add as many lines by clicking ‘Add Line’ to reflect the different inventory items ordered. Edit the ‘Inventory Item Name’ (via drop downs), ‘Quantity’ and the ‘Unit Price’.

Click ‘Save’ upon completion.

In order to accurately assess the cash flow and position of the restaurant, it would be advisable to make an expense entry within the ‘Cash Drawer’.

Cash Drawer > Expense Transaction

Enter a relevant description of the expense (e.g. the ‘Document No’ used in the transaction documents) and the amount incurred. Finally, log the expense by clicking whether it was settled via ‘Cash’, ‘Credit Card’ or ‘Voucher’.

Should you prefer not to record an expense transaction for your purchases (perhaps it may not have been paid in cash etc.), it would be advisable to make a separate spreadsheet to record all expenses to ensure accuracy of reports and efficiency of management.

Recording other expenses

Cash Drawer > Expense Transaction

Enter a relevant description of the expense and the amount incurred. Log the expense by clicking whether it was settled via ‘Cash’, ‘Credit Card’ or ‘Voucher’.

End work period

At close of business, the user should end the work period.

Work Periods > End Work Period

The user may enter a description of the work period before clicking ‘End Work Period’.

Cash withdrawn from and deposited into the cashier in close of business would not affect the reports within the system. As there are certain expenses and income which may not be paid in or received by cash, the profitability level of the restaurant may not be accurate on the system.

At the end of each business day, the user should take a stock count of every item on the inventory item list. The end of day stock count should then be entered into the system.

Manage > Products > End of day Records

Highlight the current work period and click ‘Edit End of day Record’.

Every inventory item entry’s ‘Current Inventory’ should be updated. This is found on the first tab, on the last column.

The user may also see how the cost of food waste have been distributed to all relevant dishes on the ‘Costs’ tab. This is calculated using the predicted and actual stock level figures.


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en/quick_setup_guide.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/10 11:20 (external edit)